"Your average high quality floor pulp costs half this much. As a frequent pump users it all seems very gimmicky. -A quick google search shows most floor pulps are 3-legged already. nothing new. -Most pulp already have pressure release valves. again, nothing new...-The auto-align pump feature would get old real quick when using it. -That giant fancy head only works on Presta valves or you unscrew the whole thing....-The head doesn't appear to actually clip onto the pump but rather hangs. not great for the throwing it in the car..."
"I grow quite tired of this sustainability "back-and-forth" conversations. On one had the younger generation is screaming for solutions to plastic pollution yet crap like this is still being produced by the exact same people crying for help. -What an incredible amount of waste these packages are. Half of them have an empty lid bigger than the product inside. Mildly interesting shapes create a world of trash. Hopefully none of these ever get produced. "
"Every tool looks exactly like what you would find at Home Depot or Lowes, but in green. I don't see how any of these products move the needle. The adjustable wrench and hex keys could be from Craftsman except they are green color..... Seems pretty useless overall. Just another ID firm looking for publicity. "
"That's assuming you never put more liquid than the bottom reservoir can hold. If you poured that same cup of water twice it wouldn't all drain into the bottom..."
"You can be way less accurate with these nails. I think people don't use this feature because it's extremely hard to hit your target on the first swing, especially if you are trying to place a nail exactly on a measured spot."
"As it opens and closes won't the wheels pass over these bumps several times before reaching the closed or open position? Seems like that would wear down the contact point between door and building over time. "